The Jesus Hypothesis
Posters & Print
handwritten lyrics
Handwritten Lyrics
TJH Lyric Merch
Grab Bag of Rare Derek Webb Merch
Mystery items pulled from across 30 years of Derek’s career, some of which has been hiding in the warehouse for decades. From DVDs to specialty tour t-shirts to album artwork, this bag contains merch that is $85 in value, sold for only $50. These exclusive items are not available anywhere else online. Offered while supplies last.
What you’ll get:
1 poster
1 t-shirt (please indicate your preferred size, available while supplies last)
1 DVD set
1 CD
3 stickers/postcards/trinkets
All inside of an exclusive tote bag
**Want a FREE Rare Merch Grab Bag? Join Derek’s Patreon at the “Family” level or higher and we’ll send you one as a thank you (only one spot left in that tier)! Join here today.